Jakub Husák

Infrastructure architect | DevOps guru

I feel the worst when I take the work of some script and do it myself instead

My role is automation of the whole infrastructure. Even though I used to be a developer of both website and desktop applications, I installed my first Linux almost 20 years ago and it took me a while to realize that I want server administration to be my main focus.

I would compare the diversity of the world of open source technologies that are running on my servers, virtual cloud machines, containers, lambdas or sometimes even microcontrollers and historical 8bit computers - to the diversity of my hobbies. Therefore when I am not with my family, nor trying to understand rules of another exotic cuisine or the theory of superstrings, I go for a run to the forest or plaster a wall.

Professional experience

14 years of admninistration of portal and eCommerce systems requiring a high availability (Centrum Holdings, Elnino Parfum, subcontracting for Mall.cz, Zásilkovna and more) on Linux and other open source technologies

8 years of experience with cloud driven aplications (AWS, Google Coud, Azure) and DevOps culture, with the usage of tools such as GitLab, Terraform, Puppet, Ansible etc.

Experience with deployment and maintenance of technologies MongoDB sharded cluster, MariaDB Galera cluster, Kubernetes (applications and platform itself), Elasticsearch, GlusterFS, Ceph, InfluxDB/Telegraf/Kapacitor/Flux, Grafana

10 years in architecture and development of website applications and applications for software distribution in PHP, Java, JS, HTML